For our clothing, we have carefully selected recycled materials. Thus, we work from recycled cotton and polyester.

This care applied to the choice of materials is essential at Pipou and allows us to protect our planet by preserving our natural resources.

Today, we sadly see that our soils, our seas, our oceans are covered with waste which sometimes takes millennia to decompose. This waste destroys the ecosystem and has a devastating effect on biodiversity but also on humans. We therefore preferred the recycling solution which, in addition to preserving virgin resources, eliminates part of the waste we produce .


Cotton is the most widely used natural textile fiber in the world for making clothing. It is renowned for its softness and comfort .

It comes from the cotton flower which can only be cultivated in certain remote countries (India, China, United States, Brazil and Pakistan) and requires a lot of water and pesticides.

Using recycled cotton therefore significantly reduces our impact on the planet. Studies estimate that it takes on average 11,000 liters of water to produce 1 kilo of cotton!

Recycled cotton requires very little water (up to 98% less!), no fertilizers, no pesticides, no intensive agriculture on monoculture plots having previously required deforestation, no transport across the planet…
Our cotton comes from production scraps intended to be thrown away, it is recovered from different workshops then recycled in a Spanish factory located in Alicante.


Recycled polyester allows us to give a second life to a material which is not biodegradable and which otherwise continues to pollute our oceans. According to the NGO Ocean Conservancy, 8 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into the ocean each year and this is in addition to the approximately 150 million tonnes currently circulating in marine environments. If we maintain this pace, by 2050 there will be more plastics in the ocean than fish.
Polyester is a plastic material known for its strength and we use it to reinforce some of our recycled cotton yarns. Our polyester comes mainly from recovered plastic bottles. By recycling them, we prevent these bottles from ending up in nature .